The Old Granary,
Highfield House,
Bishop Norton Road,
Lincolnshire. LN8 2EU
0330 022 8262

You're in business, you want to use NLP in business, so you need an NLP course that allows you to contextualise the skills for a business environment. NLP has been around for years as a business tool and we understand that. We've used it in boardroom dynamics, training, interviews, dispute resolution - to be fair, I think it would be easier to say where we haven't!

This course shares its content with the standard NLP Practitioner course but shows you how to use those skills in your place of work. Our unique assignment based technique gives you skills and sends you back to use them in your business environment, report on their use, and develop new patterns that work for you!

You'll do some preparation work first, so that you can decide exactly how you want to use NLP and what you need to learn in order to do that. You'll examine your environment for problems and look for blocks that you know need removing. You will also start to look around for areas that, whilst not exactly broken, could stand a litle improvement.

At your first four-day module you'll learn the pillars of NLP and key skills like modelling, together with a selection of basic techniques that you choose. You'll follow this with some work-based assignments, all based you your pre-course preparation, before attending a final four day module to refine your skills and demonstrate what you've learned.

Following the course, you are welcome to continue with your studies via the NLP Master Practitioner programme or to give further context looking at other NLP in business events. You can get the full course details by calling us now on 0330 022 8262 or by clicking here.

However you choose to get in touch, we're sure you'll think this the best £995 you ever spent!
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Registered in England & Wales - 5511928
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